There are no upcoming events at this time, but stay connected.
Empowerment Programs
in planning:
1. Financial Empowerment
(In collaboration with First CommonWealth Bank)
2. Melanin Mixer (youth/family mental wellness

Previous Events
It is possible that every one of us has experienced a life situation that has turned our lives upside down. It may have been due to death, poor decisions, financial instability, or trauma that has been imposed on us.
These life experiences can cause significant stress and have a notable impact on how we view life, build/sustain relationships, make decisions, and manage challenging situations.
To mitigate the negative impact of these life events, Metamor5sis strives to provide programming that drives mental and physical wellness through
reducing economic barriers, and
increasing connection!
This events page will help you stay connected with us as you travel your journey of transformation!

Updated times
Resume Building and Interviewing Skills
March 4, 2023. 10am -2pm
Timken Career Campus, 521 Tuscarawas St W, Canton OH
Build Confidence
Improve soft skills
Learn how to effectively extract key details
Enhance both written and verbal communication skills
Be able to answer questions in a concise, but thorough manner
Assistance building your resume
*Lunch Provided

Record Sealing/Expungement and Driver's License Clinic
April 22, 2023. 10am-2pm
Trinity Gospel Temple, 1612 Tuscarawas St W, Canton OH
Legal Services-Record Sealing / Expungement
License Restoration
Connection to community resources

Town Hall / Job Fair
May 6, 2023.
521 Tuscarawas St W, Canton OH
Town Hall 10am -12p
Educate employers on the benefits of hiring at risk populations
Panel presentations (returning citizen, employers, Office of Workforce Development(ODJFS)
Job Fair 1p-4pm
Networking Training
On the spot interviews and hiring event.
*Meal Provided