The Metamor5sis Way
Bridging the Gap to Access and Opportunity
Behavioral Health
How we think and act can become habitual behaviors and can alter the quality of life that we live. Changing your perspective can change the way you make decisions. It's essential that you begin to understand why you think the way you do, how you can broaden your perspective, and begin to make the necessary adjustments to improve your outcomes.
We offer either a 6 week self-reflection and situational analysis journaling program or an 8 week, Creating Lasting Family Connections group curriculum that will help guide you through this process and set you on track for the life you deserve!

Confidence and Coins
No matter what your goals are, finances are critical to your achievement. Improving your knowledge about how to make money, keep money, and invest money will be an important step in your journey!
Knowing how to "secure the bag" increases your confidence,, stability, and independence.
Learn how to start making smart money decisions that impact more than just the "here and now". Start a path that opens up possibilities for your children and their children.
Building and Bonding
Building and Bonding are critical pieces to the Metamor5sis Approach. We've all heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." We are building a network of individuals, businesses and organizations that will unlock access to an array of opportunities. We refer to this network as our "Legacy Links".
Legacy Links build bridges of access, education, exposure and opportunities. We collaborate with these Legacy Links to identify how best to utilize their strengths, programs, and services to create effective pathways to transformational living for our residents.
We also make restoring social and familial relationships a priority! Some of the activities include game night with their children/family, community service projects, community outings, peer networking events, and so much more!